Cognet Lab - Publications
Selected publications
- Single molecule tracking - neuroscience:
M. Heine, et al Science, 320 (2008) 201.
A.G. Godin et al Nat. Nanotechnol. 12 (2017) 238-243
-Carbon nanotube microscopy:
N. Fakhri, et al Science, 330 (2010),1804.
L. Cognet, et al Science, 316 (2007) 1465.
-Super-resolution microscopy / (u)PAINT microscopy in (live) cells:
G. Giannone, et al Biophys. J., 99 (2010) 1303.
P. Bon, et al Nat. Meth 15 (2018) 449.
Selected publications
- Single molecule tracking - neuroscience:
M. Heine, et al Science, 320 (2008) 201.
A.G. Godin et al Nat. Nanotechnol. 12 (2017) 238-243
-Carbon nanotube microscopy:
N. Fakhri, et al Science, 330 (2010),1804.
L. Cognet, et al Science, 316 (2007) 1465.
-Super-resolution microscopy / (u)PAINT microscopy in (live) cells:
G. Giannone, et al Biophys. J., 99 (2010) 1303.
P. Bon, et al Nat. Meth 15 (2018) 449.
Full publication list*
"The heterogeneous extracellular space properties within and around amyloid plaque shape nanoparticle navigation"
J. Estaún-Panzano, Y. Dembitskaya, I. Calaresu, S. Nandi, Q. Gresil, E. Doudnikoff, T. Leste-Laserre, T. Amédée, L. Cognet, L. Groc, U. V. Nägerl, and E. Bezard
J. Estaún-Panzano, Y. Dembitskaya, I. Calaresu, S. Nandi, Q. Gresil, E. Doudnikoff, T. Leste-Laserre, T. Amédée, L. Cognet, L. Groc, U. V. Nägerl, and E. Bezard
115 "3D-STORM-based nanoscale organization of NMDA receptors in hippocampal brain tissue"
J.S. Ferreira, J. Linarès-Loyez, P. Bon, L. Cognet*, L. Groc*
Star Protocols (2025) accepted
J.S. Ferreira, J. Linarès-Loyez, P. Bon, L. Cognet*, L. Groc*
Star Protocols (2025) accepted
113 "Morphology determination of luminescent carbon nanotubes by analytical super-resolution microscopy approaches"
B. Lambert, H. Kerkhof, B. Flavel, L. Cognet
ACS Nano 18 44 (2024) 30728-36
Accepted version: ChemRxiv: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-xmxrj
B. Lambert, H. Kerkhof, B. Flavel, L. Cognet
ACS Nano 18 44 (2024) 30728-36
Accepted version: ChemRxiv: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-xmxrj
112. "Identification of early-stage liver fibrosis by modifications in the interstitial space diffusive microenvironment using fluorescent single-walled carbon nanotubes"
A. Lee, A. A. Simon, A. Boyreau, N. Allain-Courtois, B. Lambert, J.-P. Pradère, F. Saltel, L. Cognet
Nano Letters 24, 18 (2024) 5603
BioRXiv doi:
A. Lee, A. A. Simon, A. Boyreau, N. Allain-Courtois, B. Lambert, J.-P. Pradère, F. Saltel, L. Cognet
Nano Letters 24, 18 (2024) 5603
BioRXiv doi:
110 " On the equivalence of binary phase masks optimized for localization or detection in extended depth-of-field localization microscopy"
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsar, L. Cognet & F. Goudail JOSA A, 40, 9 (2023) 1753 |
106 " Fluorescence Anisotropy Using Highly Polarized Emitting Dyes Confined inside BNNTs"
A. Badon, JB Marceau, C. Allard, F. Fossard, A. Loiseau, L. Cognet, E. Flahaut, G. Recher, N. Izard, R. Martel, E. Gaufres Materials Horizons, 10 (2023) 983-992 |
105 " On some current challenges in high-resolution optical bioimaging"
P. Bon & L. Cognet ACS Photonics, 9,8, (2022) 2538–2546 Invited perspective |
104 " Single-walled carbon nanotube reptation dynamics in submicron sized pores from randomly packed mono-sized colloids"
Z. Tang, S.L. Eichmann, B. Lounis, L. Cognet, F.C. MacKintosh, and M. Pasquali Soft Matter, 18 (2022) 5509-17 |
103 " Near-infrared carbon nanotube tracking reveals the nanoscale extracellular space around synapses "
C. Paviolo, J.S. Ferreira, A. Lee, D. Hunter, I. Calaresu, S. Nandi, L. Groc & L. Cognet Nanoletters, 22, 17 (2022) 6849-6856 |
102. "When Super-Resolution Localization Microscopy Meets Carbon Nanotubes"
S. Nandi, K. Caceido & L. Cognet Nanomaterials, 12, 9 (2022) 1433 |
101. " On the validity domain of maximum likelihood estimators for depth-of-field extension in single-molecule localization microscopy "
O. Leveque, C. Kulcsar, A. Lee, P. Bon, L. Cognet & F.Goudail JOSA A, 39, 1 (2022) 37-43 |
100. " Near-infrared nanoscopy with carbon-based nanoparticles for the exploration of the brain extracellular space "
C. Paviolo & L. Cognet Neurobiol. Dis. 153 (2021) 105328 |
99. " A Bottom-Up Approach to Red-emitting Molecular-Based Nanoparticles with Naturally Stealth Properties and their Use for Single Particle Tracking Deep in Brain Tissue "
M. Rosendale, J. Flores, C. Paviolo, P. Pagano, J. Daniel, J. Ferreira, J-B. Verlhac, L. Groc*, L. Cognet*, M. Blanchard-Desce* Advanced Materials. (2021) 2006644 |
98. " Length Measurement of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes from Translational Diffusion and Intensity Fluctuations"
A. Lee & L. Cognet Journal of Applied Physics, 128, 224301 (2020) |
97. " Co-designed annular binary phase masks for depth-of-field extension in single-molecule localization microscopy"
O. Leveque, C. Kulcsar, A. Lee, H. Sauer, A. Aleksanyan, P. Bon, L. Cognet & F.Goudail Optics Exp. 28, 22 (2020) 32426-46 |
95. " Fluorescent sp3 Defect-Tailored Carbon Nanotubes Enable NIR-II Single Particle Imaging in Live Brain Slices at Ultra-Low Excitation Doses "
A. Mandal, X. Wu, J.S. Ferreira, M. Kim, L.R. Powell, H. Kwon, L. Groc, YH. Wang &, L. Cognet Scientific Reports, 10 (2020) 5286 |
94. “Banning carbon nanotubes would be scientifically unjustified and damaging to innovation”
D. A. Heller, P.V. Jena, M. Pasquali, K. Kostarelos,L.G. Delogu, R.E. Meidl, S.V. Rotkin, D.A. Scheinberg, R.E. Schwartz, M. Terrones, YH. Wang, A. Bianco, A.A. Boghossian, S. Cambré, L. Cognet, S.R. Corrie, P. Demokritou, S. Giordani, T. Hertel, T. Ignatova, M.F. Islam, N.M. Iverson, A. Jagota, D. Janas, J. Kono, S. Kruss, M.P. Landry, Y. Li, R. Martel, S. Maruyama, A.V. Naumov, M. Prato, S.J. Quinn, D. Roxbury, M.S. Strano, J.M. Tour, R.B. Weisman, W. Wenseleers & M. Yudasaka, Nature Nanotechnology 15 (2020) 164-166 |
93. "Nanoscale exploration of the extracellular space in the live brain by combining single carbon nanotube tracking and super-resolution imaging analysis"
C. Paviolo, F.N. Soria, J. S. Ferreira, A. Lee, L. Groc, E. Bezard, L. Cognet Methods 174 (2020) 91-99 |
92. "Plaque burden can be assessed using intravascular optical coherence tomography and a dedicated automated processing algorithm: a comparison study with intravascular ultrasound"
E. Gerbaud, G. Weisz, A. Tanaka, R. Luu, HASH. Osman, G. Baldwin, P. Coste, L. Cognet, S. Waxman, H. Zheng, JW. Moses, GS. Mintz, T. Akasaka, A Maehara, GJ. Tearney Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging, 21, 6 (2020) 640-652 |
91. " Photoswitchable single-walled carbon nanotubes for super-resolution microscopy in the near-infrared "
AG Godin, A. Setaro, M. Gandil, R. Haag, M. Adeli, S. Reich, L. Cognet Science Advances, 5, 9, (2019) eaax1166 |
90. "A model of guided cell self-organization for rapid and spontaneous formation of functional vessels"
L. Andrique, G. Recher, K. Alessandri, N. Pujol, M. Feyeux, P. Bon, L. Cognet, P. Nassoy and A. Bikfalvi Science Advances 5, 6, (2019) eeaau6562 |
89. "Self-interference (SELFI) microscopy for live super-resolution imaging and single particle tracking in 3D"
J. Linarès-Loyez, J.S. Ferreira, O. Rossier, B. Lounis, G. Giannone, L. Groc, L. Cognet*, P. Bon,* Front. Phys., 7, 68 (2019) |
88. "Unveiling the Extracellular Space of the Brain: From Super-resolved Microstructure to In Vivo Function"
S. Hrabetova, L. Cognet, D. A. Rusakov and U.V. Nägerl J. Neuroscience 38, 44 (2018) 9355-9363 , invited review |
87. "Differential Nanoscale Topography and Functional Role of GluN2-NMDA Receptor Subtypes at Glutamatergic Synapses"
B. Kellermayer, J.S. Ferreira, J. Dupuis , F. Levet, D. Grillo-Bosch, L. Bard, J. Linarès-Loyez, D. Bouchet, D. Choquet, A. Rusakov, P. Bon, J-B. Sibarita, L. Cognet, M. Sainlos, A.L. Carvalho, and L. Groc Neuron, 100, 1 (2018) 106 |
86. "Ultrashort Carbon Nanotubes That Fluoresce Brightly In The Near-Infrared"
N. Danne, M. Kim, A. G. Godin, H. Kwon, Z. Gao, X. Wu, N. F. Hartmann, S. K. Doorn, B. Lounis, Y. Wang, and L. Cognet ACS Nano, 12, 6 (2018) 6059 |
85. "Self-interference 3D super-resolution microscopy for deep tissue investigations"
P. Bon, J. Linarès-Loyez, M. Feyeux, K. Alessandri, B. Lounis, P. Nassoy and L. Cognet Nat. Methods, 15 (2018) 449-454 SELFI on the cover of the June Issue of Nature Methods |
84. "Comparative analysis of photoluminescence and up-conversion emission from individual carbon nanotubes for bio-imaging applications"
N. Danné , A.G. Godin , Z. Gao , J.A. Varela, L. Groc, B. Lounis and L. Cognet ACS Photonics 5, 2 (2018) 359-364 |
83. "Evaluation of different single-walled carbon nanotube surface coatings for single particle tracking applications in biological environments"
Z. Gao , N. Danné , A.G. Godin , B. Lounis and L. Cognet Nanomaterials 7, 11, (2017) 393 |
82. "Non-Covalent Stable Functionalization Makes Carbon Nanotubes Hydrophilic and Biocompatible"
F. Ernst, Z. Gao, R. Arenal, T. Heek, A. Setaro, R Fernandez-Pacheco, R. Haag, L. Cognet, and S. Reich J. Phys. Chem C 121, 34 (2017) 18887 - 91 |
81. Editorial « Biological applications of electromagnetically active nanoparticles »
L. Cognet, M. Treguer-Delapierre & S. Link (Guest editors) J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 200201 |
80. « Direct visualization of carbon nanotube degradation in primary cells by photothermal imaging »
J. Russier, L. Oudjedi, M. Piponnier, C. Bussy, M. Prato, K. Kostarelos, B. Lounis, A. Bianco & L. Cognet Nanoscale 9 (2017) 4642 |
79. " Single-nanotube tracking reveals the nanoscale organization of the extracellular space in the live brain"
A. G. Godin, J. A. Varela, Z. Gao, N. Danné, J. P. Dupuis, B. Lounis, L. Groc and L. Cognet Nat. Nanotechnol. 12 (2017) 238-243
78. « Small gold nanorods with tunable absorption for photothermal microscopy in cells »
E. S. Shibu, N. Varkentina, L. Cognet and B. Lounis Adv. Sci. 4 (2017) 1600280 |
77. « The effects of electronic impurities and electron-hole recombination dynamics on large-grain organic-inorganic perovskite photovoltaic efficiencies »
J-C. Blancon, W. Nie, A.J. Neukirch, G. Gupta, S. Tretiak, L. Cognet, A. D. Mohite and J.J. Crochet Adv. Funct. Mat 26 (2016) 4283-4292 |
76. « Targeting neurotransmitter receptors with nanoparticles in vivo allows single molecule tracking in acute brain slices »
J. A. Varela, J. P. Dupuis, L. Etchepare, A. Espana, L. Cognet and L. Groc Nat. Commun. 7 (2016) 10947 |
75. « Toward the Suppression of Cellular Toxicity from Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes »
Z. Gao, J.A. Varela, L. Groc, B. Lounis and L. Cognet Biomater. Sci. 4 (2016) 230-244 |
74. "Innovative molecular-based fluorescent nanoparticles for multicolor single particle tracking in cells"
J. Daniel, A. G. Godin, M. Palayret, B. Lounis, L. Cognet* and M. Blanchard-Desce* J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 (2016) 084002 |
73. « The 2015 Super-Resolution Microscopy Roadmap »
S. W. Hell, S.J. Sahl, M. Bates, , X. Zhuang, R. Heintzmann, M.J Booth, J. Bewersdorf, G. Shtengel, H. Hess, P. Tinnefeld, A. Honigmann, S. Jakobs, I. Testa, L. Cognet, B. Lounis, H. Ewers, S.J. Davis, C. Eggeling, D. Klenerman, K.I. Willig, G. Vicidomini, M. Castello, A. Diaspro, T. Cordes J. App. Phys. D 48 (2015) 443001 |
72. « Optical detection of individual ultra-short carbon nanotubes enables their length characterization down to 10 nm »
Z. Gao, L. Oudjedi, R. Faes, F. Moroté, C. Jaillet, P. Poulin, B. Lounis, and L. Cognet Sci. Rep. 5 (2015) 17093 |
71. « Single molecule imaging in live cell using gold nanoparticles »
C. Leduc, S. Si, J. Gautier, Z. Gao, E. S. Shibu, A. Gautreau, G. Giannone, L. Cognet and B. Lounis Methods in Cell Biology 125 (2015) 13-25 |
70. « Nonlinear Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes with Localized Exciton States»
M. Iwamura, N. Akizuki, Y. Miyauchi, S. Mouri, J. Shaver, Z. Gao, L. Cognet, B. Lounis, and K. Matsuda ACS Nano, 8, 11 (2014), pp 11254–11260 |
69. « super-resolution microscopy approaches for live cell imaging »
A. Godin, B. Lounis, L. Cognet Biophys. J., 107 (2014) 1777-1784 |
68. « Advances in live-cell single-particle tracking and dynamic super-resolution imaging »
L. Cognet, C. Leduc & B. Lounis Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 20 (2014) 78-85 |
67« Photothermal microscopy: optical detection of small absorbers in scattering environments »
P. Vermeulen, L. Cognet, B. Lounis J. Microscopy 254, 3 (2014) 115 66. « Tracking receptors using Individual fluorescent and non fluorescent nanolabels »
L. Cognet, B. Lounis, D. Choquet Cold Spring Harb Protoc. 2 (2014) 207-13 |
65. «Hyper-bright Near-Infrared Emitting Fluorescent Organic Nanoparticles for Single Particle Tracking»
E. Genin, Z. Gao, J. A. Varela, J. Daniel, T. Bsaibess, I. Gosse, L. Groc, L. Cognet*, M. Blanchard-Desce* Adv. Mat 26 (2014) 2258-2261 |
64. « Identification and super-resolution imaging of ligand-activated receptor dimers in live cells »
P. Winckler, L. Lartigues, G.Gianonne, F. De Giorgi, F. Ichas, J-B. Sibarita, B. Lounis and L. Cognet Sci. Rep., 3 (2013) 2387 |
63. « A Metrological investigation of the (6, 5) carbon nanotube absorption cross section »
L. Oudjedi, A.N.G. Parra-Vasquez, A. G. Godin L. Cognet, and B. Lounis J. Phys. Chem Lett, 4 (2013) 1460-1464 |
62. « Bi exciton, single carrier and trion generation dynamics in single walled carbon nanotubes »
B. Yuma, S. Berciaud, J. Besbas, J. Shaver, S. Santos, G. Ghosh, RB Weisman, L. Cognet, M. Gallart, M. Ziegler, B. Hönerlage. B. Lounis and P. Gilliot Phys. Rev. B. 87 (2013) 205412 |
61. « A highly specific gold nanoprobe for live-cell single-molecule imaging .»
C. Leduc, S. Si, , J. Gautier, M. Soto-Ribeiro, B. Wehrle-Haller, A. Gautreau, G. Giannone, L. Cognet, and B. Lounis Nano Lett. 13, 4, (2013) 1489-1494 |
60. « Mechanism of Electrolyte-Induced Brightening in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Disorder.»
J.G. Duque, L. Oudjedi, J. J. Crochet, , S. Tretiak, B. Lounis, S.K Doorn and L. Cognet JACS 135 (2013) 3379 |
59. « Integrins β1 and β3 exhibit distinct dynamic nanoscale organizations inside focal adhesions. »
O. Rossier, V. Octeau, J.B. Sibarita, C. Leduc, B. Tessier, D. Nair, V. Gatterdam, O. Destaing, C. Albigès-Rizo, R. Tampé, L. Cognet, D. Choquet, B. Lounis & G. Giannone Nature Cell Biology 14 (2012) 1057-1067 |
58. « Disorder Limited Exciton Transport in Colloidal Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes.»
J. J. Crochet, J.G. Duque, J.R. Werner, B. Lounis, L. Cognet and S.K Doorn Nano Letters 12, 10 (2012) 5091 |
57. « Nanoscale Thermotropic Phase Transitions Enhancing Photothermal Microscopy Signals.»
A.N.G. Parra-Vasquez, L. Oudjedi, L. Cognet and B. Lounis J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3, 10 (2012) 1400, featured article |
56. «Luminescence Properties of Individual Empty and Water-Filled Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.»
S. Cambré, S.Santos, W. Wenseleers, R.T. Nugraha, R. Saito, L. Cognet and B. Lounis ACS Nano 6, 3, (2012) 2649 |
55. « All-optical trion generation in single walled carbon nanotubes.»
S.Santos, B. Yuma, S. Berciaud, J. Shaver, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, L. Cognet and B. Lounis Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011) 187401 |
54. « A New Route to Fluorescent SWNT/Silica Nanocomposites: Balancing Fluorescence Intensity and Environmental Sensitivity.»
J.G. Duque , G. Gupta , L. Cognet , B. Lounis , S.K. Doorn , and A.M Dattelbaum J. Phys Chem C 113(2011) 8090-8093 |
53. « Quantum yield optimized fluorophores for site-specific labeling and super-resolution imaging.»
C. Grunwald, K. Schulze, G. Giannone, L. Cognet, B. Lounis, D. Choquet, R. Tampé JACS 133,(2011),8090. |
52. « Brownian Motion of Stiff Filaments in a Crowded Environment.»
N. Fakhri, FC. MacKintosh, B. Lounis, L. Cognet L, M. Pasquali, Science 330,(2010),1804. |
51. « Dynamic super-resolution imaging of endogenous proteins on living cells at ultra-high density. »
G. Giannone, E. Hosy, F. Levet, A. Constals, K. Schulze, A.I. Sobolevsky, M.P. Rosconi, E. Gouaux, R. Tampé, D. Choquet and L. Cognet Biophys. J., 99 , 4 (2010) 1303-1310, Featured Article |
50. « Mono- and Biexponential Luminescence Decays of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. »
T. Gokus, L. Cognet, J. G. Duque, M. Pasquali, A. Hartschuh and B. Lounis J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, (2010) 14025 |
49. « Diameter-Dependent Solubility of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. »
J.G. Duque, A.N.G. Parra-Vasquez, N. Behabtu, M.J. Green, A.L. Higginbotham, B.K. Price, A.D. Leonard, H.K. Schmidt, B. Lounis, J.M. Tour, S.K. Doorn, L. Cognet and M. Pasquali ACS Nano, 4 , 6 (2010) 3063–3072 |
48. « Environmental and Synthesis Dependent Luminescence Properties of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. »
J. Duque, M. Pasquali, L. Cognet, B. Lounis ACS Nano, 8 , 3 (2009) 2153. |
47. « Diameter-dependent bending dynamics of single-walled carbon nanotubes in liquids. »
N. Fakhri, D.A. Tsyboulski, L. Cognet, R.B Weisman, M. Pasquali PNAS, 106 , (2009) 14219. |
46. « Endocytic Trafficking and Recycling Maintain a Pool of Mobile Surface AMPA Receptors Required for Synaptic Potentiation. »
E.M. Petrini, J. Lu, L. Cognet, B. Lounis, M. D. Ehlers, and D. Choquet Neuron, 63 , (2009) 92. |
45. « In vivo therapeutic silencing of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α) using single-walled carbon nanotubes noncovalently coated with siRNA. »
G. Bartholomeusz, P. Cherukuri, J. Kingston, L. Cognet, R. Lemos Jr., T. K. Leeuw, L. Gumbiner-Russo, R. B. Weisman, and G. Powis Nano Res., 2 , 4 (2009) 279-291 |
44. « Photothermal Absorption Correlation Spectroscopy (PhACS). »
V. Octeau, L. Cognet, L. Duschene, D. Lasne, N. Schaeffer, D.G. Fernig and B. Lounis ACS Nano, 3 (2009) 345-50 |
43. « The excitatory post-synaptic density is a size exclusion diffusive environment. »
M.L Renner, L. Cognet, B. Lounis, A. Triller & D. Choquet Neuropharmacology, 56 (2009) 30-6 |
42. « Luminescence Decay and the Absorption Cross Section of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. »
S. Berciaud, L. Cognet and B. Lounis Phys. Rev. Lett., 101 (2008) 077402 |
41. « Velocity profiles of water flowing past solid glass surfaces using fluorescent nanoparticles and molecules as velocity probes. »
D. Lasne, A. Maali, Y. Amarouchene, L. Cognet, B. Lounis, and H. Kellay Phys. Rev. Lett., 100 (2008) 214502 |
40. « Surface mobility of postsynaptic AMPARs tunes synaptic transmission. »
M. Heine, L. Groc, R. Frischknecht, JC. Béïque, B. Lounis, G. Rumbaugh, RL. Huganir, L. Cognet, D. Choquet Science, 320, 5873 (2008) 201-5 |
39. « Probing the Dynamics of Protein-Protein Interactions at Neuronal Contacts by Optical Imaging. »
O. Thoumine, H. Ewers, M. Heine, L. Groc, R. Frischknecht, G. Giannone, C. Poujol, P. Legros, B. Lounis, L. Cognet, D. Choquet. Chem Rev., 108, 5 (2008) 1565-1587 |
38. «Ultra-sensitive detection of individual gold nanoparticles: spectroscopy & applications to biology»
L. Cognet , B. Lounis Gold Bull., 41, (2008) 139-146 |
37. « Photothermal Methods for Single Nonluminescent Nano-Objects »
L. Cognet, S. Berciaud, D. Lasne & B. Lounis Anal. Chem., 80, 7 (2008) 2288 – 2294, Feature article, From the cover |
36. « Sub-diffraction Far-field Imaging of Luminescent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes »
L. Cognet, D. Tsyboulski, and R.B. Weisman Nanoletters, 8, 2 (2008) 749 - 753 |
35. «Stable Luminescence from Individual Carbon Nanotubes in Acidic, Basic & Biological Environments»
J.G. Duque, L. Cognet, A.N.G. Parra-Vasquez, N. Nicholas, H.K. Schmidt and M. Pasquali JACS, 130, 8 (2008) 2626 - 2633 |
34. « A robust single-molecule approach for counting autofluorescent proteins »
L. Cognet, C. Tardin, M-L. Martin Négrier, C. Breillat, F. Coussen, D. Choquet, B. Lounis J. Biomed. Opt., 13, 3 (2008) 031216 |
33. « Non-Invasive Radiofrequency Thermal Destruction of Cancer Cells Using Carbon Nanotubes »
C.J. Gannon, P. Cherukuri, B.I. Yakobson, L. Cognet, C. Kittrell, M. Pasquali, R.B. Weisman, J.S. Kanzius, R.E. Smalley, H.K. Schmidt, S.A. Curley Cancer, 110, 12 (2007) 2654 – 2665 |
32. « Surface Trafficking of Neurotransmitter Receptor : Comparison between Single Molecule/Quantum dot Strategies »
L. Groc, M. Lafourcade, M.Heine, M. Renner, V. Racine, J.-B. Sibarita, B. Lounis, D. Choquet & L. Cognet J. Neuroscience, 27, 46 (2007) 12433 Cover |
31. « Label-free optical imaging of mitochondria in live cells »
D. Lasne, G.A. Blab, Francesca De Giorgi, François Ichas, B. Lounis & L. Cognet Optics Express , 15, 21 (2007) 14184-93 |
30. « Structure-Dependent Fluorescence Efficiencies of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes »
D. Tsyboulski, JD. Rocha, S.M. Bachilo, L. Cognet and RB. Weisman Nano Letters, 7, 10 (2007) 3080 - 3085 |
29. « Stepwise Quenching of Exciton Fluorescence in Carbon Nanotubes by Single-Molecule Reactions »
L. Cognet, D. A. Tsyboulski, J-D. R. Rocha, C.D. Doyle, J.M. Tour, R.B. Weisman Science, 316 (2007) 1465 - 1468 |
28. « Absorption Spectroscopy of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. »
S. Berciaud, L. Cognet, P. Poulin, R. B. Weisman & B. Lounis Nano Letters, 7, 5 (2007) 1203-07 |
27. « NMDA receptor surface mobility depends on NR2A-2B subunits. »
L. Groc, M. Heine, S.L. Cousins, F. A. Stephenson, B. Lounis, L. Cognet, and D. Choquet Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 103, 49 (2006) 18769-74 |
26. Single Nanoparticle Photothermal Tracking (SNaPT) of 5 nm gold beads in live cells. »
D. Lasne, G.A. Blab, S. Berciaud, M. Heine, L. Groc, D. Choquet, L. Cognet & B. Lounis Biophys. J, 91 (2006) 4598-4604 |
25. « Absorption and Scattering Microscopy of Single Metal Nanoparticles. »
M.A. van Dijk, A.L. Tchebotareva, M. Orrit, M. Lippitz, S. Berciaud, D. Lasne, L. Cognet & B. Lounis Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 8, 30, (2006) 3486-95 |
24. « Multiple Routes for Glutamate Receptor Trafficking : Surface Diffusion and Membrane Traffic Cooperate to Bring Receptors to Synapses. »
L. Cognet, L. Groc, B. Lounis & D. Choquet Science STKE, 327 (2006) pe13. |
23. «Photothermal heterodyne imaging individual metallic nanoparticles : Theory versus experiment»
S. Berciaud, D. Lasne, G.A. Blab, L. Cognet & B. Lounis Phys.Rev. B 73 (2006) 045424 |
22. « Optical readout of gold nanoparticles-based DNA microarrays without silver enhancement. »
G.A. Blab, L. Cognet, S. Berciaud, I. Alexandre, D. Husar, J. Remacle & B. Lounis Biophys. J. 90 (2006) L13-15 |
21. « Photothermal Absorption Spectroscopy of Individual Semiconductor Nanocrystals »
S. Berciaud, L. Cognet & B. Lounis Nano Letters 5 (2005) 2160-2163 |
20. « Observation of intrinsic size effects in the optical response of individual gold nanoparticles »
S. Berciaud, L. Cognet, P. Tamarat & B. Lounis Nano Letters 5 (2005) 515-518 |
19. « Photothermal heterodyne imaging of individual nonfluorescent nanoclusters and nanocrystals »
S. Berciaud, L. Cognet, G. Blab & B. Lounis Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 257402 |
18. «Differential activity-dependent regulation of the lateral mobilities of AMPA & NMDA receptors»
L. Groc, M. Heine, L. Cognet, K. Brickley, FA Stephenson, B. Lounis & D. Choquet Nature Neuroscience 7 (2004) 695-6 |
17. « Single-molecule imaging of lipid-anchored proteins reveals domains in the cytoplasmic leaflet of the cell membrane »
P.H.M. Lommerse, G.A. Blab, L. Cognet, G.S. Harms, B.E. Snaar-Jagalska, H.P. Spaink & T. Schmidt Biophys J. 86 (2004) 609-616 |
16. « Single metallic nanoparticle imaging for protein detection in cells »
L. Cognet, C. Tardin, D. Boyer, D. Choquet, P. Tamarat and B. Lounis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100 (2003) 11350-11355 |
15. « Direct imaging of lateral movements of AMPA receptors inside synapses »
C. Tardin*, L. Cognet*, C. Bats, B. Lounis & D. Choquet (* : equal contribution) EMBO Journal 22 (2003) 4656-4665 |
14. « Fluorescence microscopy of single autofluorescent proteins for cellular biology »
L. Cognet, F. Coussen, D. Choquet and B. Lounis C. R. Physique 3 (2002) 645-656 (invited review in the special issue “Single molecule biophysics”) |
13. « Autofluorescent Proteins in Single-Molecule Research : Applications to Live Cell Imaging Microscopy »
G.S. Harms, L. Cognet, G.A. Blab, P.H.M. Lommerse, H.P. Spaink and Th.Schmidt Biophys.J. 80 (2001) 2396-2408 |
12. « Single-Molecule Imaging of L-type Ca2+ Channels in Live Cells » G.S. . Harms, L. Cognet, G.A. Blab, P.H.M. Lommerse, H. Kahr, R. Gamsjäger, H.P. Spaink, N.M. Soldatov, C. Romanin and Th.Schmidt
Biophys.J. 81 (2001) 2639-2646 |
11. « Two-Photon Excitation Action Cross-Sections of the Autofluorescent Proteins »
G.A. Blab, P.H.M. Lommerse, L. Cognet, G.S. Harms and Th. Schmidt Chem. Phys. Lett. 350 (2001) 71-77 |
10. « Simultaneous ’dual-color and dual-polarization’ imaging of single molecules »
L.Cognet, G.S. Harms, G.A. Blab, P.H.M. Lommerse and Th.Schmidt Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 (2000) 4052-4054 |
9. « Using atomic interferences to probe atom-surface interaction »
R. Marani, L. Cognet, V. Savalli, N. Westbrook, C.I. Westbrook, A. Aspect Phys. Rev. A 61 (2000) 053402 |
8. « Optical detection of cold atoms without sponteneous emission »
V. Savalli, G. Zs. K. Horvath, P. D. Featonby, L. Cognet, N. Westbrook, C. I. Westbrook, and A. Aspect Optics Letters 24 (1999) 1552-1554 |
7. « Properties of microelectromagnet mirrors as reflectors of cold Rb atoms »
M. Drndic, G. Zabow, C.S. Lee, J.H. Thywissen, K.S. Johnson, M. Prentiss, R.M. Westervelt, P.D.Featonby, V. Savalli, L. Cognet, K. Helmerson, N. Westbrook, C.I. Westbrook, W.D. Phillips, A. Aspect Phys. Rev. A 60 (1999) 4012 |
6. « Smoothing a current-carrying atomic mirror »
L. Cognet, V. Savalli, P.D.Featonby, K. Helmerson, N. Westbrook, C.I. Westbrook, W.D. Phillips, A. Aspect, G. Zabow, M. Drndic, C.S. Lee, R.M. Westervelt, M. Prentiss Europhys. Lett. 47 (1999) 538-544 |
5. « New physics with evanescent wave atomic mirrors : the van der Waals force & atomic diffraction »
N. Westbrook , C. I. Westbrook, A. Landragin, G. Labeyrie, L. Cognet, , V. Savalli, G. Zs. K. Horvath, A. Aspect, C. Henkel, K. Moelmer, J-Y. Courtois, W. D. Phillips, R. Kaiser, V. Bagnato Physica Scripta T78 (1998) 7-12 |
4. « Atomic interference in grazing incidence diffraction from an evanescent wave mirror »
L. Cognet, V. Savalli, G.Zs.K. Horvath, D. Holleville, R. Marani, N. Westbrook, C.I. Westbrook, A. Aspect Phys. Rev. Lett 81 (1998) 5044-5047 |
3. « A reflexion grating for atoms at normal incidence »
A. Landragin, L. Cognet, G. Zs. K. Horvath, C. I. Westbrook, N. Westbrook, A. Aspect Europhys. Lett. 39 (1997) 485-490 |
2. « Injection locking of diode lasers to frequency modulated source »
K .Szymaniec, S. Ghezali, L. Cognet and A. Clairon Optics Comm 144 (1997) 50-54 |
1. « Laser cooling of Cesium atoms in gray optical molasses down to 1.1µKelvin »
D. Boiron, A. Michaud, P. Lemonde, Y. Castin, C, Salomon, S. Weyers, K. Szymaniec, L. Cognet, A. Clairon Phys. Rev. A R53 (1996) 3734 *WARNING: you may download PDFs only if you (or your institution) have a subscription to the corresponding journals. Book chapters
6. G. Giannone, E. Hosy, J-B. Sibarita, D. Choquet, L. Cognet
« High-content super-resolution imaging of live cell by uPAINT» In, "Nanoimaging: Methods and Protocols", Methods in Molecular Biology series (A. Sousa, M. Kruhlak eds.), vol 950, p95-110, 2013, Springer, Humana Press, USA 5. L. Cognet, B. Lounis, D. Choquet
« Tracking receptors using Individual fluorescent and non fluorescent nanolabels » In, Imaging in Neuroscience and Development : A Laboratory Manual, (Yuste R, F. Helmchen and Konnerth A, eds.) 2011 Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press : Cold Spring Harbor, NY, chap. 1, 4. L. Cognet, B. Lounis, D. Marguet, O. Thoumine, M. Tramier:
“Chapitre 8. Les outils optique”, dans “Les Nanosciences Tome 3; Nanobiotechnologies et Nanobiologie”, sous la direction de M. Lahmani, P. Boisseau & P. Houdy, Belin Paris, (28 août 2007). 3. L. Groc, M. Heine, L. Cognet, B. Lounis and D. Choquet
« Lateral diffusion of excitatory neurotransmitter receptors during synaptogenesis » In Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptogenesis (2005). Eds A. Dityatev and A. El-Husseini Publisher: Springer U.S.A., New York. 2. L. Cognet
« Imagerie d’objets individuels en biologie cellulaire » Dans Lasers et Technologies Femtosecondes, (Sentis, M., Uteza O., et Mottin, S eds) 2005, Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne. Chap 22, p429-441. 1. L. Cognet, B. Lounis, D. Choquet,
“Tracking receptors by optical imaging of single molecules” In, Imaging in Neuroscience and Development: A Laboratory Manual, (Yuste R and Konnerth A, eds.) 2005 Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press: Cold Spring Harbor, NY. Chap 57, p521 |